
Until the age of 41, my journey was marked by pain and struggle. Growing up with physical and mental abuse left me feeling broken and unworthy. The scars of countless failed relationships only deepened the wounds. Depression, a mental breakdown, and even thoughts of ending my own life became grim companions on my path.

I turned to various forms of relief. Drugs and alcohol became temporary escapes from the internal agony that consumed me. Countless therapists, CBT, meditation, hypnotherapy— these were all tools I employed in my struggle to find a way out. However, every glimmer of progress was fleeting, leaving me disillusioned and sinking deeper into hopelessness.

For 28 years my successful career in Estate Agency became the mask I wore every day to escape the truth I was living behind closed doors which all changed when I came across The Three Principles, a new perspective on mental health and wellbeing. In a revelation, I realised that I was not inherently broken or damaged. From the depths of pain, I saw the health within myself, a universal light that I could share with others. This challenging path has led me to a purpose beyond my wildest dreams as I have seen that every individual’s journey, no matter how fraught with hardship, possesses the potential for profound transformation.

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In addition to many transformative testimonials working with private Clients, I have successfully worked with over 700 individuals facing housing insecurity in Hertfordshire, UK under my Charity A Slice of Happiness which has gained endorsements from the NHS, and Public Health in addition to Human Ethics approved research Partnerships with Coventry University and Innate Health Research.

‘A Slice of Happiness has served to improve people’s lives enormously – while also reducing demand on statutory services. The service is well established in Hertfordshire with excellent outcomes for some of the most vulnerable but overlooked members of society’

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